This is the age old debate between the ‘yogi classicists ‘ staunch followers of Hatha yoga and new age hybridised , ever – evolving power , vinyasa flow yogis. Firstly what precedes what is a common question… the classical practice or flow – this question is as paradoxical as answering which came first the chicken or the egg ! Through experience one needs to have a strong classical base which focuses on alignment, the basic stacking of joints one on top of each other so that one actually does a dynamic breath linked pose to pose practice like a vinyasa flow one automatically through muscle memory align themselves even though moving through a faster pace. Although the neophyte might be more attracted to a faster more interesting sequencing of the vinyasa or power practice – as a classical practice definately requires more concentration and a strong will to hold postures !This some times works better for the beginnner or the very stiff practitioner for eg in a paschimottanasan/ seated forward bend reaching dynamically bending down and up several times with the breath could warm up the lower back muscles and hamstrings also keeping the mental faculties engaged and occupied through the dynamicity to then eventually hold the pose – can make it a less ardous and more achievable for the practitioner ! This brings us back to the aim of all yoga practice ” sukham sthiram asanam” which literally means comfortable steady position . To experience a posture in its complete steadiness and comfort is a huge challenge and sometimes a process in even simple poses like shavaasan / corpse pose – where ones body can achieve stillness but the mind is constantly in motion. Therefore preparation for the body by doing asanas or surya namaskars/sunsalutations are a good method to create heat and generate prana/ energy in your body to remove blocks of tension in the energy body, and to make the joints muscle flexible and strong to hold poses. Eventually practicing according to ones age , conditioning (mental and physical ), ones will and ability is the key to choosing ones methodology of practice – as they say the paths are many the goal is one !